Safeguarding Your Children
Posted by Robert Insley on 5 December 2016
In light of the recent media coverage surrounding children’s football and the safeguarding issues that have arisen from that which are now being investigated by the police and the FA, AFC Market Bosworth felt it appropriate to remind you of the Safeguarding policies in place to protect your child/ren.
AFC Market Bosworth commitment:
‘AFC Market Bosworth acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people (defined as any person under the age of 18) involved in our football club which it organises or which it supervises and is committed to working to provide them with a safe environment. The club is committed to ensure that every child or young person, who plays or participates in football should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment and should be protected from abuse. This is the responsibility of every adult involved in football. The club aligns itself with the procedures set out by the FA.’
FA commitment:
‘The FA recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. The FA is, therefore, committed to working to provide a safe environment for all children and young people to participate in the sport to the best of their abilities so long as they choose to do so".
The key principles of AFC Market Bosworth Child Protection Policy and that of the FA are that:
1. The child's welfare is, and must always be, the paramount consideration;
2. All children and young people have the right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation;
3. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately;
4. Working in partnership with other organisations, children and young people and their parents/carers is essential.
Role of the club
AFC Market Bosworth has a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional harm and from neglect or bullying. It is noted and accepted that the Football Association’s Safeguarding Children Regulation applies to all persons involved in football whether in a paid or voluntary capacity. This includes those who are volunteers, match officials, football coaches, club officials or any other adult person involved within the club.
AFC Market Bosworth shall ensure that DBS Enhanced Disclosures are completed for all coaches that are involved in assisting and supervising the children.
Please see the FA Safeguarding procedure and guidelines booklet that is provided by the FA. All AFC Market Bosworth coaches have read these guidelines and it may assist parents/care givers to also read the contents.
Should you as a parent/care giver have any concerns please speak to your child’s coach or contact our Welfare Officers, Steve Farrington or Laura McKenzie.